Thursday, July 3, 2008

Run Your Car On Water: Real Deal Vs. Scams Exposed

With gas prices shooting into orbit with no sign of relief, everyone is looking for a way to cut their costs; anything from hybrid cars to taking the bus to riding your bike to work. And now there is big buzz going around about a controversial new better mouse trap: Run Your Car on Water.
Is it really possible or is it just another scam devised to pick the pockets of a desperate population? Well, that all depends on how you go about it.

First of all, it is possible. The knowledge has been around for quite some time. Thousands of people have converted their cars and are enjoying outrageous increases in their mpg. Companies like BMW, Fedex and BAE systems have also been experimenting with this new technology. BMW has been developing a hydrogen car for years.

So how exactly does running your car on water work anyway? Basically, a simple device called a "hydroxy extractor" is installed in your vehicle. What this does is use the power from your battery to extract water and mix it with oxygen to make "hydroxy gas". This gas is then added to the air that is already being sucked into the engine.

This process does five things for your engine. It greatly increases the quality of the fuel. It boosts the horsepower. It cleans the burnt carbon crud off the insides of your cylinders. It cuts down on the worst exhaust emissions. And last but definitely not least, it greatly increases your mpg. 35% to 50% and sometimes all the way up to 75%!

But is it safe for your car? Will it void the warranty? The great news is that It is totally safe and will not void the warranty at all. Not only that but running your engine on water also entitles you to some additional IRS refunds!

So, what's involved with this? Is it difficult to do? Is it expensive? Well it all depends on where you go for the information. There are many plans out there that use a complicated approach that requires a mechanic's know-how or paying for a mechanic's know-how. They also require parts that can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. This is when you start weighing in the costs and the headaches and ask yourself if it is really worth it.

But the thing is, it really isn't that complicated or expensive. In fact, anyone could assemble and install one in a weekend without spending more than $60.00 on parts. But since this is a relatively new method, it's hard to find a simple prov-en approach that anyone (even someone with very limited knowledge of cars) could easily grasp and put into use in a very short amount of time and limited cash outlay.

After scouring the internet, I have come across a few such systems but one stood out in particular. This system lays out a simple step-by-step plan that anyone can follow using simple inexpensive items picked up at the local hardware store. But what made this plan really unique is that it offers something that no one else does: a circuit that regulates the amperage draw on your car. This saves a lot of wear on your battery and alternator. You can find out more about this plan by clicking here.

Running your car on water is not only a smart thing to do it is practically a necessity with today's skyrocketing gas prices. It's not whether you can afford to do it but can you afford not to.

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